it is ironic that those who are running for government positions -- who theoretically will strive to support upholding the law -- have no regard for it what-so-ever. case in point - in this lovely state of Pennsylvania, one must ask permission to post a sign of any sort on another person's property. in my quaint condo community, we jointly own (by nature of it being a condo) a nice chunk of highly visible land along a busy road. this strip is 'prime retail' for campaigners who have been plastering our grassy knoll for weeks with butt-ugly signage. (note to campaigners - consider design of your friggin signs - they suck)...
naturally, we have been pulling and discarding these signs as they pop up. The other day however, a woman apparently attempted to ream out our condo association president for pulling her sign.
"don't steal our sign" she says.
"Don't place your butt-ugly stinkin' signs on other people's property" he retorts. ok so i wasn't present for this particular altercation however that is what i would have said.
needless to say, i won't be voting for steve sloan or any of the other jerkoffs who keep putting their signs on our property.
to digress, a few weeks ago, i was asked by a seemingly nice couple if they could place a for sale sign on the corner of our property. i am also on the association board you see so they did ask the right person. the association voted "no" and we kindly delivered the "bad news". one sign leads to many you see. Our property is not "for sale / yard sale / vote for me" billboard central folks!
A few weeks later i was driving home and i noticed a shiny new "for sale by owner" sign with their address on it - on our property! the sign was promptly removed and they received a phone call explaining that this was far from model citizen behavior.
why bother asking assholes?
perhaps my new mission in life is to come up with totally obscene signs and place them, in retribution, on these people's yards. NIMBY - not in my backyard - but in yours! hmmmm... what could such a sign say?
Catching Up on Bad Weather
1 day ago
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