
I've been slacking in the blogging department. No pictures, limited posts... but all for good reason. It's been a hectic few weeks.

School Dayz

School is over. 2 classes + full time work really kicked my @ss this semester. 2 finals was icing on the really thick, heavy and somewhat lopsided cake... but it was all good. I've learned my bird shit inside and out!

Wedding Bellz

Last week was -- THE WEDDING!! it was the greatest time - although being maid of honor does bring with it a bit of blood, sweat and tears! tears at the alter (until the pastor begins rambling on about transparency, saying the same thing over and over again). Sweat in setting up, tearing down and making things proceed smoothly, full steam ahead. let me tell you, i can crack the whip when things need to get done and I see no forward moving progress... ha! Blood -- well no blood was spilled but we sure didn't sleep much there!

I must say there is nothing like standing next to two of the people who you care about most in this world, knowing how happy they make each other and seeing them joined in marriage. It was an honor to partake. And so much fun to get to spend time with them given their new home on the west coast - so far away from State College.


Given all of the studying and travels, time on the bike has been scarce in the past week. But today I made up for it with a nice 70 miler out to alexandria and beyond with my friend mr buck(land). we started bright and early - with a bit of chill in the air but bright sun made for quickly warmed earth. the ride was lovely. my legs - currently spent. however i worry about being spent after 70 miles when i know i may consider 200+ miles in a day in just a month. perhaps it's not in the cards this year...

New Bikez?

And finally - i'm still no closer to a decision on my new rig - but i'm demoin a sweet fisher Ferrous (baby blue) tomorrow. it's a pretty frame but i worry the longer wheel base will be a bit clunky for my small frame to handle around turns and bends.

a good year into the process, i continue to worry about everything regarding this new bike. i just want to pick the bike that will give me the most confidence given my limited trail skills and unlimited fear of everything and anything. it's no wonder i hate shopping!

and so it goes.

Not Alone

The ride was solo yet I was certainly not alone.

The forest was magical. Migrants have returned, courting has begun. In chorus up each and every climb are mating songs of ovenbirds, warblers, vireos and Towhees.

The hermit thrushes mystical trill echoes on the ridges. Wood thrushes can't be far.

Raucous screams of nesting ravens echo amidst the canopy. Black and Turkey Vultures sore high, landing on the forest floor to feed.

The forest is magical and mystical. At each corner, bend, bridge, rock, something is revealed. More learned, more seen on each and every ride and hike.

I go to the forest to seek peace, comfort and answers. To sort out thoughts. To find answers. To find and remember myself.

I go to the forest to seek solace and solitude and return rejuvenated.
Always, yet never alone.

wake up

It's easy to lose track of priorities.

Deadlines build, assignments accumulate, relationships loom, exams, bills, and on and on until the world spins seemingly out of control. Family falls out of alignment. Friends in crisis. Sometimes it accumulates becoming overwhelming to the a point of restless sleep and belabored breath.

The body craves sleep day and night; the mind races - refusing to go out, say hello, be at peace for even a moment's time.

Ironically while craving sleep, what the mind and body really needs is to wake up. Go out, move on. Because at the end of the day / week / month the turmoil will pass or perhaps change. It's too easy to replace one stress with another.

At the end of the day what's truly important in life's game is uniquely individual and largely unrelated to many stresses. Looking inward and finding peace and satisfaction with a life that's relatively healthy. Better yet, projecting happiness outward and lifting the spirit of those around. Spending time in the remote outdoors and recognizing how intricate and beautiful the surrounding world is. At the end of the day, the things that are most important are those simplest. The stressful complexities - moments of passing time.