black mo and jerry garcia iced teas

yesterday i felt inspired to go on a nice flat ride. :) initially the plan was a loop up purdue that luna and i used to do once a week before work. however as the day progressed and i realized i would be riding solo, purdue turned into black mo solo. and black mo solo turned into black mo con a psu cycling club contingent as we played leap frog up to rattlesnake pike. even after suggesting they keep going, they waited and looped back to get my sorry tired ass as i crawled up rattlesnake - one other of their pack was near me so i guess it made sense. it was a good ride - no wind, full sun, and the spring along rattlesnake provided a refreshing break with crisp, cool agua.

on the way home i got a text from my girl Nicole who PASSED her candidacy exam. they only made her wait 4 weeks to tell her this.

4 weeks!

there was an obligatory celebration downtown so i hopped on the rockhopper in my 4" platform sandals (an experience in and of itself) and like a little kid riding a tricycle, with really sore gimpy legs, made my way downtown at a record setting snails pace. Nicole & I joined the grad student posse & enjoyed jerry garcia iced teas at Pickles. today is a slow, tired day... heavy eyes, weighted head.... but after a great day like yesterday, it's worth it.

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