As I was riding into work today, a classic central PA lady in a minivan pulled up beside me at a red light and yelled

has anyone ever called you a nutbag?
I ignored her. so she pulled up closer and yelled again. just to make sure i wasn't one of those (selectively) deaf cyclists. I've ridden into work every day i could since early august (minus yesterday when i had to pick up food platters for our holiday party) so it hardly crossed my mind this morning to break the 100% streak.

I looked at her anticipating a confrontation. there are many in this town that truly believe cyclists should not be on the road. And i didn't want to feel guilty about telling another one of them off, poorly representing a largely positive local cycling community. I was certain she was an angry minivan momma. I replied with attitude:
has anyone ever called you a nutbag?
she looked at me, smiled and laughed and said "ofcourse!".
i realized she was cool. i smiled and laughed, she did too.
have a good one!
off she went. It was a nasty day today. snow turned to sleet turned to freezing rain. admittedly i was nervous making my way through the freezing rain / sleet / snow covered slushy roads into campus but it wasn't all that bad. State college just a week or so ago was a fall / early winter agricultural wonderland (ok, minus the wonder part).
BELOW: Circleville just behind accuweather trails (AT) - it was cold, but truly beautiful.

Below you see my experience today (well post snow and sleet + some plow / salt action = wet slushy nastiness).

The rockhopper handled the roads like a champ. Too bad the wheels come lose from time to time. oh how i need a new mountain rig.

anticipating a freeze over, i left work around 4 to make it home in once piece. While i didn't wreck, i had grease all over my face. NICE. I stopped at the corner that's taken me down more than once. falling sucks and that corner is my new nemesis (the old nemesis being the twisty trail in scotia upon which i've become acquainted up close and personal with many trees).

the trees in town are now wet and glistening. it's supposed to freeze solid tonight so I'm anticipating a winter wonderland tomorrow. perhaps a long hike with chaya and the nikon are in order...

Poor subi - all alone all day.

please tell me there's snow on the way. skiis are calling...
the end.

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