just another day at the gap

Chaya and I continue to check out the local trails. Check out the ice at accuweather just a few days ago:

While the roads were slick, the trails were much better bordering on crunchy in some spots.

It's cool to hike trails you normally ride. You notice details like gnarled understory wood and saplings strangled by vines that fly by on the bike.

Above: the light was particularly striking come late afternoon...

Above: we spent sunday hiking around the gap. The ice was finally clear and we made it up to the powerline and found this cool trail!

Check out the ice melt!!

RIP little birdie.

More gnarled branches.

We saw not one, but TWO red tails!!!

more ice & mud. the end. :)

1 comment:

Raymo853 said...

Take an axe next time and get rid of those vines. I am pretty sure they are invasives and oh so annoying regardless.