moon gazing

2 months into my tv-boycott ... there's always moon gazing. i was inspired tonight. hard not to be on a cool fall night with a crisp clear sky. luna - aka g-dogg, this one's for you!! :) no chocolate tho... all moon.


Ace said...

Hurray for your boycott on the idiot box! Moon gazing is an awesome substitute. I am a big fan of the picture with the cars lights zipping by..

mountain bound said...

winter is on it's way. full frost last night. unbelievable.

yea the idiot box has gotten old. i don't miss it one bit.

Unknown said...

nice PA moon!

Unknown said...

the moon has a hazy glow around it now so you snapped it at the right time...

mountain bound said...

yea~ it's hazy tonight... last night was crystal clear. u don't get nights like that often. there is something mystical about cool, central PA evenings...