random goodness

I'd like to proclaim today one of random goodness. While it started out as a huge downer, it improved with every passing moment:

  1. lab meeting - awesome to be part of a group with similar goals and research goals. makes "going it alone" seem less daunting.
  2. advisor meeting - questions APPROVED. damn, i may actually have a topic in the works and potential funding. time to start WRITING it all down. only took - 3 years of nothing + 1 month of focused work.
  3. new software + bugs - problem solved. After struggling on my biggest project with new software not performing the way they promised it would, i sent in my issues to the tech guys only to find out "oh, there's a bug - the software is not performing the way it should. we'll get you a fix". HEH. 2 days of my time but they're gonna fix it. leave it to me to discover any bug in any new software i get my hands on.
  4. new friend at the lab - i'm liking the new grad student - cool and finally someone to talk to instead of being solo ALL DAY in that lab, then riding solo after work, and then coming home to butterball - aka chaya.
  5. CROSS!! decided to brave cross practice tonight and tried to not be so hard on myself. I haven't had that much pure fun riding in a while if ever. i can see how i can and will improve if I keep trying. now i'm tired! hopefully not too tired for my climbing death march tomorrow.
  6. I'm not sure how it's possible but there seems to be another female out there who enjoys her cross bike as much as me AND is working on a dissertation. nice.
  7. random vase on my doorstep in a franz box (picture). i'm not sure who left it but if you did - thank you! it's beautiful. no note, no packaging, no nothing - MYSTERY. but quite thoughtful.
today was a good day. and i'm still running on a post-cross HIGH. it's time for more of those.

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