headin' south

i'm going south my friends... way down south.
cacoa trees and scarlet macaws... here i come!!!!

woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Drew Mather said...

Ahh, the land of your inner-blog-ness awaits. Where to exactly though? Not up on my tropical ecology and ornithology. I'm thinking Brazilian rainforest, but could be way off. Guessing the ole passport came through for you. Congrats!

mountain bound said...

COSTA RICA my friend. central america!!!!! home of the scarlet macaw... and many other wild plants and animals.

i can't wait!!!

Drew Mather said...

That's fantastic! By chance, going to do any surfing down there? My buddy went about 6 years ago to a break called Witches (I think). Supposedly an incredible beach spot, perfect lefts, and beautiful to boot.

Hope you have a wonderful trip!

mountain bound said...

yes, it is fantastic! we are going to do some snorkeling around the coral reefs... and i'm sure i'll swim plenty but no surfing is in the works. or biking riding (but i did ask about it) :) ... i've never surfed but i think i would love it.

we're going to hike a LOT and camp of course... exploring the woods and studying insects, birds, plants, etc! i'm super stoked as i've never done anything like this before.