up yours

yesterday pam and i decided to take the dogs hiking. being a football game weekend, we decided to start at Shingletown Gap to avoid the 322 football exodus madness.

the expectation was a quiet walk in the woods - with few people in sight. the reality was way more people that expected.

Not too far up the trail two huskies come flying at us trailed by a couple. pam had her dog on leash and tried to keep her away from the dogs as she doesn't always get along with dogs on leash. chaya was right by my side. the dog starts with aidia and then moves on to poor chaya...


i hear it - and yell "woah, back off". the owner tries to grab the dog, chaya squeals and tries to hide behind pam.

the man reprimands his dog and the couple attempts to round them up. pam tells them

"you know you guys really should have better control of your dogs if they're going to be off leash"
and all i heard was a chipmunk version "fuck off".
no she didn't.

she did. the woman told us to fuck off.
"um lady, your dog bit my dog"
"dogs play" she retorted. since shingletown gap is Obviously a dog park!
i generally avoid confrontation but - you don't mess with my dog. call it maternal instinct. i lost my cool. out of my mouth came every 4 letter insult that i could put together.


i thought about following them... but i knew that would be in vain.

in the end, they went their way, we went ours.
i was irritated - and still am. not only had my dog been put in a compromising position, but also, i had lost my cool and stooped to her level. a woman who obviously doesn't know what hiking in the woods really is. and who certainly has no respect for or knowledge about dogs and people's personal space!

this is people suck post #xxxiii... to be continued


Raymo853 said...

Based on this entry I would marry you.

Ry said...

no one should keep their dog on a leash in the woods...thats lame. plain and simple

mountain bound said...

i actually disagree with that.

i think that people who have no control over their dogs have no right to let them off leash in the woods. the woods are NOT a dog park - and i'd like to enjoy my time there as opposed to dealing with dumbass people who can't control their dogs.

here is why.

1. everyone loves their dogs, BUT not all dogs get along. if everyone has their dogs off leash - and a fight is apt to break out.

case in point - multiple dogs have been KILLED at the Tudek Dog Park in state college. yes killed. dogs play but they also FIGHT.

2. dogs like mine - actually listen off leash - no matter what. if another dog is off leash and so is mine and mine is listening - the other dog charges my dog and MY dog gets hurt - the owner of the other dog who is out of control is AT FAULT - plain and simple.

AND - honestly i could kick the shit out of / hurt that dog if it was hurting my dog. plain and simple.(maternal instinct)

Or the other dog could get hurt by my dog.

we ran into another group this SAME day with a dog off leash. the damn dog came up to us and started snarling at chaya. honestly chaya was ignoring it. the lady tried to get the dog away from us and it wouldn't leave us. it didn't like chaya. i ended up grabbing the damn yapper and giving it to her. a bit later - the SAME THING happened AGAIN - same damn dog - and dumbass lady. she saw us too and just told the dog "don't go over there"... like it would listen...

my dog was behaving. if my dog killed their dog because it started in with her - it's their fault - but also my dog now has a bite / kill on her record. and there is a lot of study about the changes in a dog after it has such an encounter - this can RUIN a well-trained and well-mannered dog.

she becomes a dangerous dog.

in short - it's in the BEST INTEREST of EVERYONE... the dog, the owners, etc to keep a dog that DOESN"T LISTEN ON LEASH. or a dog that is aggressive with other dogs ON LEASH.

or expect me to kick it's ass and the owner's ass when it comes at my dog.