time to buy a new pair

While working in the woods yesterday, i lost my favorite (and only) riding shades. Upon realizing they were gone, I went back to search in a hopeless effort given we were off the trail and in the dense understory all morning.

A colleague in the class offered to help. it was kind as I think he realized how frustrated I was. When we didn't find them (well i decided to give up), he said

well it's ok cause now you get to go pick out new ones!
my initial response was, as always these days, negative.
ugh, they were expensive.
then I got to thinking. he is totally right. Yea, I do hate shopping, BUT I do have a job. I can buy a new, cooler pair. Maybe they'll fit better. Maybe, they'll look better. Maybe i'll like them more and be happier. Maybe there was an element of fate involved. Maybe I wasn't supposed to wear those shades this winter cause they woulda broken or i woulda crashed and gotten cut by the lenses. Maybe, the timing was all wrong.

Damn, why didn't I think of this sooner?
Half-full / half empty. So many ways to apply. I need to start taking the half-full approach to life and stop being so damn negative. About everything. So out with the old and in with the new I went... my new pair is shiny and pink :)


Ace said...

Picture??? Polarized? Lens color? So many details you are depriving us of...


mountain bound said...

i got toasters - interchangeable lenses - an assortment of colors for my viewing pleasure and no not polarized.

turns out you can replace smith frames for a reasonable amount so i may still replace the old ones so i have a backup for riding from now on!

woo hoo! adventures in sunglasses.