last night, started out as an ordinary wed night. a few of us including POD aka ry, nicole, seth and jess had made plans to meet.
earlier i had made a small batch of cream cheese brownies in a blue glass pyrex pan as i've been craving them lately. this is not random information... keep reading...
i made a nice stir fry on the stove for dinner and had moved the brownies to the counter for safe keeping until i could put them back on the stove behind the tall pots that normally protect them from the large rat that enjoys surfing my counters while i'm not home (my dog for those newbies reading this).
i was running a little late and cleaned up some, gave the monster her evening bone and hopped on the rockhopper to roll downtown. a few hours later, i returned - in good spirits from a chill evening. i walked in the living room from my garage and noticed some strange blue fragments on the carpet covered with an unfamiliar brown gooey substance.
this is a normal occurance you see. i come home and there is some strange thing on the floor - a plastic container - perhaps a chop stick. my girl enjoys pulling things that have any remnant of food on them off of the counter. i started to contemplate what she could have possibly gotten into that was blue. then i thought...
no way.
alas, she had managed to get up on the counter, drag the glass pan onto the floor and eat ALL of the brownies in the pan.
there was glass *everywhere*. brownies smashed into the floor...
now it is fairly amazing that she was able to take out a heavy duty pan like that. however - explain to me how a dog could possibly smash such a pan on the counter. and then still get glass all over the floor - spreading into the hall and living room.
she almost went up for adoption last night... but she's too damn cute to follow through with such an idle threat.
she knew i was upset though. she slept downstairs and didn't even try to come up and sleep in her usual spot next to my bed.
and ps - i spent a good hour cleaning this mess up this morning... and the floor still needs to be mopped - AGAIN.
Catching Up on Bad Weather
1 day ago
that ain't nothin a good beating won't cure
hahaha - yea, i prefer to just kick her around a little. :)
a lot of us don't know this until it is too late. chocolate can be fatal to a dog or a cat. even in small amounts. it's really too bad how you talk about you little blessing. when a dog misbehaves, in this case you could educate yourself on what is poisonous to a dog, it is usually the owner who has not lovingly trained him or her not to act out. a good trainer could be quite helpful. also a puppy's brain doesn't even fully develop until they are 6 months old. i'm sure you love her very much, but i've never heard anyone except those arrested for animal cruelty talk this way....about kicking them around and such.
cutting language: remarks that mean the opposite of what they seem to say and are intended to mock or deride
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