field work

Field work...

Campgrounds. Left: George scouting the perimeter. Squirrels in the park are brazen and will come right up to you to nab food. Right: This raven got into my neighbors watermelon. These guys woke me up every morning at sunrise calling by my tent.

wifi .

Wildflower meadows - dry in the summer.

Half Dome.

North Dome...

Lunch break. We threw rocks at inanimate objects...

Left: Catherine. Right: Isaiah - calibrating the laser to scope out trees.

Rest of the firefighter crew... Gerald workin the laser - Justin :) (far right). The crew was awesome.

Fire Effects crew vehicles.


The walk to work...

Northern Flickers!


parting shot...

1 comment:

Peter Buckland said...

Memory lane. I loved seeing Halfdome as a teenager. Sigh.