
today i got an invitation to join the facebook group for the summer team pool that i used to swim at recreationally... this lifted my spirits and made my day... apparently my name is still on the "record board"... hah! this is (no lie) a direct quote from the group description... whoever thought me and "all time great" would possibly be used in the same sentence!!! i hardly live up to that standard but it's fun to see...

This group is for you if:
-you live for themed swim meets
- are soon going to be a diabetic from all the flavor-ice you eat
-you sometimes do the cheers when it is the middle of winter to cheer yourself up
-you know every single person at the pool
- sharks and minnows is your life (and get angry when people call it beaver)
- you have had every birthday party in the gazeboo since you were born and your friends look forward to it every summer (....maybe this is just me)
- you can chalk and stuff fences like a champ
-graduating the team is one of the saddest moments of your life
-when you are little, adult swim seems like an eternity
-you dont like friends who belong to country clubs
- you know, or have heard about the NWB all time greats: martin, becca, leah wasser, holly goo, david grooms, LUUUKKKEEEE
-ladies: you at some point in your life had a crush on a wooters boy.... dont lie, you have.
-you bleed blue and white and have more love for NWB then you middle school, highschool, college combined

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