
This is a true story about Reynolds, (my 29" Steel mountain bike). He's a popular dude - especially on facebook. He has friends. People talk about him behind his back too (Cowboy!!) and their friends tell him about it on his facebook page (thanks Yoda!).

No really. This happens.

This evening I made my usual pilgrimage to the forest. Life has been stressful lately. Thank goodness for the forest.

I threw Reynolds in the back of the subi, cranked some tunes and we were off. Josh was at the forest lot on his 26" IF. Yup, another fisher (carbon superfly!) down for the count after one month of use. I'm so happy I opted out of the Ferrous!

Josh and I chatted for a bit; another truck parked beside. Josh knew the dude and said hello. He got out and was talking about bikes and the 101. He seemed vaguely familiar but not someone I remember capturing via my camera.

I proceeded to pull Reynolds out of the car. He looked at us and exclaimed

Hey! It's Reynolds! I know that bike. I'm friends with it (on facebook).
NO HE DIDN'T (i'm snapping my fingers as i say this). His name was Greg. He knew Reynolds. He didn't know my name. Yup, Reynolds now officially has more friends than yours truly.

OK so i get it. Reynolds is solid steel and has a year round golden tan. He's got a red bio-centric bottom bracket and a sweet white falcon saddle. He's a sexy badass mother-fornicator (too young to swear), but dang, I'm being outshined. What does this mean?

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