Happy Trailz...

The latest adventures via photo...

Chaya & I found a new trail!!! As E would say, this was the "hot ticket" in the Stoopid 50 sunday to getting up to the ridge. Sweet.

Up on the ridge - lots of Indigo Buntings...

If anyone can confirm ID's for these you'll be my new hero... UPDATE: Fledgling Eastern Bluebirds!!! I wouldn't have guessed that.

Red-headed woodpecker!!! A Beauty!

Eastern Bluebird

Scarlet Tanagers!! They were way up in the canopy but bright enough to pick out.

what a face...

Mountain Laurel are just opening... Pink and white...

Three Bridges -- My dog apparently has an obsession with washing her rear end... OOOH - that's the spot.

It looks so wrong, but it just feels.so.right...
Apparently THAT'S the real hot ticket.

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