it's NAP time (nas had it all wrong)

In the past week i've:

  • refinanced and closed on my house
  • taken 2 exams - one covering a cool 128 species (field id, song id, family, order, habitat, etc etc etc)
  • worked
  • missed yoga :(
  • helped write and submit a grant proposal in (in one day) with 28 minutes to spare
  • woken up at 6am twice - once on a saturday for a class trip
  • seen 4 bald eagles, countless kestrels, red-tailed hawks and turkey vultures, 2 black vultures and 4.33 wood ducks.
  • ridden over 200 miles with about 12,000 feet of climbing - 100 miles of which were on one day (YAY march century w/DC (and lobster gloves)!
  • rediscovered lootpack. nice.
To celebrate just today I forgot to FULLY lock the parking break when the subi was in neutral and i was checking the mailbox. I watched as it ROLLED BACKWARDS down the street. I ran down the street and jumped in Dukes of hazard style and yanked on the brake just in time. phew.
me to myself (and i): nice job, dumbass.
And so you see, it's decidedly and unequivocally nap time. Listen and enjoy a few of the birds I saw this weekend below:

Left: Buffleheads landing -- Right: a blurry GOOSE mtv cribs style - recycling at its finest.

More Canada Geese! We saw snow geese too.

mmmm. ATTN Dabbling Ducks: BEWARE OF EAGLES.

Speak of the devil - a juvenile who just got jumped. ok, so maybe he wasn't jumped. this is his 4th year molt before he looks like... Above right: ms eagle, chillin (well actually incubatin') on her nest. DID YOU KNOW: an eagle's nest can weight up to 1/2 a ton? They are known to take down full sized, large canopy trees with their weight.

a younger immature eagle. can you say BEAUTY?

Black-capped Chickadee. dee dee deee (the "dee's in they're song can indicate a predator is close)

Song Sparrow.

TUNDRA SWANS. check out Colyer lake if you ride by 'cause they're there sometimes too - en masse. Headin' north - to be gone within the next few weeks.

Brown-headed Cowbird. BAD Brood Parasite! Bad. but pretty none-the-less.

Blue bird.


pabiker said...

Looks like ms. eagle is handy with a hammer and nails too.

mountain bound said...

HAH! she is! there's actually a story behind that... this particular sycamore has long since died / near death. the intense weight of the nest caused the tree to split during a story years back ... but eagles (and many other birds) are creatures of habitat and thus tend to return to the same nest year after year.

to encourage renesting, the game commission added support to the tree and built a platform to eliminate some of the accumulated debris that would be needed for an eagle to nest there. in short - it's lighter.

YES, i'm a GEEK. but how cool are these birds??!