winter in state college - 2010:
We've had just a bit of snow. Chaya is "so over it".
some are more appreciative than others....
and chaya says "you want me to go potty where??"
And while it's winter outside, it's spring in my dining room.
They only bloom once a year following a dry dark hibernation that mimics their natural tropical environment. after years of cultivation, i enjoy multiple stalks and blossoms on each stalk. lovely.
What do cyclists do when snow comes?? They ski ofcourse! (Top of Bear Meadows Rd.)
Crystal Lake!! i only fell a few hundred times. ok just on every descent. so worth it! (i stole this pict from eric - thanks!!)
Moss-Hanne trail.
Canadians make funny faces when they see cameras.
skiing is rough on the toes. thank goodness a little duck tape goes such a long way.
crazy adventures around the ridge and the fenceline! deep deep powdery snow drifts.
more to come. for now, back to work i go...
Catching Up on Bad Weather
18 hours ago