My dear friend CJ and I have been discussing context lately. Mostly in the realm of relationships however i've been pondering this concept and have determined life, even beyond relationships, is all about context. I've been trying to expand my context so there's more to look forward to now and every day as opposed to hanging on to and worrying about an unknown future. I think it's working... read below for examples.
The seasons can be framed by many different contexts that can either lengthen or shorten depending upon perspective and geographic location. In PA, if your context involves (cyclocross) bikes and the desire to always have feeling in your hands and toes and carry on a conversation without slurring your speach - frozen fireroads and single digit windchill puts a serious damper on the months of December through march and makes winter a general downer (fingers crossed they thaw soon) as the roads are a slick sheet of treacherous ice.
If your context is framed by birds, and perhaps a thick layer of cocoa butter (or Vaseline if you want to go all greasy style) then late February and march mark the coming of spring as early migrants and raptors are beginning to return, owls and eagles are nesting and rearing young and the "locals" are beginning to sing their Cardinal and Titmouse songs of getting it on birdie style. yes, i just wrote that and I'm stickin to it...
Speaking of Vasoline - get your head outta the gutter smartass- if you're willing to suck up time on paved roads (which isn't bad just not as fun as gravel forested roads) i've discovered cocoa butter and a bit of Vaseline on the face make 20 to 30 degree road rides quite doable. I don't slur my speech so much after a few hours if at all. And who needs to really feel their feet anyway?? whatever.
This weekend my context was a group of badass ladies a few of whom have been incredibly supportive in some less than perfect times. I joined them for a cool 70+ mile adventure. It was nothing less than awesome and the longest ride i've ever done in winter. In fact, I don't know that i've ever ridden in February before. While I was on a road ride, my context was still ornithology. I was on a hawk watch - particularly for Rough-legged Hawks who are probably just heading north to get their birdie on (oops, did it again)... While at first I was shy, the ladies are quite accepting of my need to call out birds as we ride by and often quiz me on calls so I need to keep my game on point. We quickly picked up a new form of road cycling etiquette that sounded something like this:
me: car back! tufted titmouse!Sunday, I went on a birding adventure for class. We left first thing which put a serious damper on my mountain ride with Chaya. But focus is first and foremost and the overaching context of my life right now is my degree. We were searching for Harriers and came up empty handed after 4 hours! Luckily I had seen two on Thursday. Below are some highlights of the adventure:
And so begins the chorus...Rachel in front : back - titmouse!
Me: ICE! Kestrel right.
Rachel: Kestrel right!
and so it went...
Above: a rescued House Finch - poor little dude lost his eye to conjunctivitis.
Above: rescued golden eagle. wing fracture - can't fly. One of my favorite eagles.
Above: rescued Eastern Screech Owl - grey variety. hit by a car and can no longer fly. so tiny...
Above: my absolute favorite - Barred Owl. They are soft in fuzzy in a "i could tear your face off with my ridiculously strong talons and feet" kinda way. Watch and listen
Wild Labrador who is now known for eating WHOLE BANANAS rind included (except for the very top which apparently is unpalatable and is thus to be left in the middle of the living room floor).
Life is all about context. I'm now excited about March even though it may be ass-cold because I have spring migrants to look forward to learning, a proposal to finish up, chilly road rides to get through, maybe an early century, delicious meals with CJ and... who knows what else. By expanding and reframing my previously narrow context, there is more to enjoy each and every day. And more future to enjoy in the present now as opposed to hanging on and worrying about an unknown tomorrow.
the end.
PS - if anyone knows of a easy way to mask out bars in photoshop (bird pictures are all caged hence the white haze).... lemme know. especially for the bald eagle pict.
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