Life can be viewed as a whole; sure, it's simpler that way. However in reality, it's just a bunch of parts in need continuous lube, scrub downs, pats, heart to hearts, fertilizers and sometimes, a good swift kick in the ass. Yea, maybe you can deal with the squeaking, the grinding, the stress and the incessant noise, but in the end taking care eases friction, and extends life's duration and subsequent success.
Single speed complete with rack AND fenders. My final project completed tonight. All it took were 2 extra long bolts.
And then comes the amaryllis - in full bloom. Many parts make up this horticultural puzzle. Blooms require a particular combination of summer fertilization and water, and cool, dark winter rest. Beautiful none-the-less.
Photosynthesis - a bare necessity.
While not immediately evident - this part is BROKEN. OK, so it functions but rattles incessantly if the roads are smooth. Anyone know how to tighten these??
Some part is missing here but i'm not sure what. Guess it's time for a new one.
These parts need some serious TLC.
These parts are perfect just the way they are.
This part is particularly smelly and does require the occasional kick in the ass. But really she's too damn cute to ever truly follow through.
Short-Eared Owls Bring Joy to Winter
16 hours ago
Leah, on your shifter/brakes, fold up the rubber part that extends down to your hood part of the bars. On the side you should find a screw/bolt to tighten, this should help the rattle. Let me know how it turns out.
Hey thanks Ace. So i did fold that down but i don't see an exposed screw. the plastic face on either side is somewhat smooth. The plate seems to just rest there and im afraid to break it trying to pull it off to see how it's hinged on.
hmmmm... a little piece of tape could work but i like the idea of figuring out how to fix it more permanently if possible - duck tape is boring.
I wrote a blog and included some pics to help you out. Go check it out and see if it helps. Let me know...
Hey dude, sorry I haven't checked in for a while. Things have gotten busy down here both at work and at home. My dad got laid off and then got a job working at the same place he worked when I was in Utica, NY. I've been trying to get my shithole farm house up and running for him to move in. Just need to install the plumbing...from scratch. Easy, right?
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