the temperate rainforest

When you hear the word rain forest, you may think tropics. However rainforests exist in temperate climates supporting lush mossy forests filled with character... such as this one in Oregon - see below

A carpet of ferns.

Being a research forest, paths facilitate access.

Left:Guess being a science-minded type can lend itself to serious peril??
Right: he looks innocent but is really concocting a plan to take over the world.
i'm convinced this U (yet not flying) O is part of said plan (see above).
maybe this too... (all jokes aside, they are actually doing some pretty cool ground water studies)

Dead and down trees with fitted mossy covers create unusual texture and form in the forest.
So much diversity...

And beauty - note the mini iris and bleeding hearts.

Post storm flow. Absolutely lovely. I think I need to change my study area...

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