The last month has been a a blur. work hard - playing hard. it's all about efficiency.
but what i've taken from it all is that it, (sh@t) happens sometimes.
and sometimes a load of shit really isn't all that bad. in fact, it can be quite good if you can manage to get it home without breaking anything.
here is how it works.
1. you go to your local composted manure provider and buy some. the fresh shit is awesome yes, but not so awesome in spring uncomposted. so you buy your shit and put it in your car only to realize, more will fit. this is wonderful. more is always better. So naturally, being a true american, you buy more. afterall, it's a minimal investment for a seasons worth of fresh, organic and delectable fruits and veges.
2. so load up as much shit as will physically fit in your car. and then notice some air gaps and realize mulch is also on sale. so maybe it's time to get some of that as well for the butterfly garden. (it needs it desparately).
it all fits fine in the back but then you realize the bags were wet from rain, and at 40lbs a shot dry, perhaps 20 is a bit much for a small subi, plus mulch, plus two large bags of potting soil. HA!
Left: a normal wheel well - i loaded up the front seat with mulch in a feeble attempt to balance out the cow shit. this obviously solved all my problems. Right: what a 1/2 ton of cow shit does to a subi.
i rolled home newly created low rider - tinted windows - with nothing but my mind on the shit and the shit on my mind. Chaya helped unload. My plants will thank me. i hope!
but wait -- there's more. Here's what we've been up to besides loading the car with shit:
i spent a week at home sick as a dog. speaking of - she has a serious tv addiction and is totally lazy. i don't get it.
More amaryllis are blooming! this is one of my favorite varities!! plus i genetically engineered a blurry cultivar (right). i'm amazing like that - ha!
There were some cold snowy road rides in the mix. i had to stop to smell, i mean take pictures of, the llamas.
more to come... after all it's spring!
I could really use 800 pounds of manure as I am doing lots of planting. Can you come visit and help me out?
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