seems like a lot of stuff is breaking these days and well, since my pup isn't giving me much sympathy, i figured i'd get it all out via blog. first it was the fridge in my kitchen. then... my ribs (bruised)... then.. the leaky sink... and then the garbage disposal. Then... the light goes out in the kitchen just after i sprained my ankle and can hardly walk.. and now - now nemo, my favorite cichlid has kicked it. RIP. yes, it's been that kind of week...
last night, i fell - traversing on the wall. the crash pad was just far enough away from the wall to allow my foot to plant firmly on the hard gym floor. uncomfortable to say the least.
i iced it down and elevated it only to wake up to a foot that is less than accepting of the weight of my body. this presents a problem since i enjoy the freedom that mobility offers. i hobbled my way downstairs and called the doctor (i'm not a fan of the doctor but a huge fan of walking). my appointment was with a general doctor type at the new, geisinger facility which is not unlike a shopping mall and everyone knows how much i dislike shopping. I jerked my way to the office in the subi as depressing the clutch sent pain up my leg.
upon getting to the office, i realized i had to get IN and all the way to the check in desk which was on the other side of the building. I was cruisin down the hall at a speed that allowed atleast 5 senior citizens to pass me. one had a walker.
this is where the real fun begins. i hobbled into see the doctor and he looked at it, asked why my toes were red (it was cold out, i reminded him of that fact), asked me about a bone on my foot (which was fine and as it always had been) and suggested i needed an xray without even checking for mobility. better yet is the fact that the xray facility was downstairs on the other side of the mall. he asked if i was with anyone who could help me get there?
i said no and he looked at me and suggested i use the elevator.
off i went - all the way back down the medical super highway, to the enormous elevator to get an xray being passed by a few more hobbling senior citizens. post-xray, the tech, who was actually pretty cool, insisted i use a wheelchair to get back up stairs. i fought it but before i knew it, i was cruising down the hall on 10" rims. oh yea high roller! badass.
back up in the doctors office he contemplated my xrays seeing just a small fuzzy area that may or may not suggest a fracture... then he referred me to an orthopedic doctor. once again not checking the actual foot. no painkillers, no wrapping of the foot, no nothing... just a possible broken foot... or not. i'm convinced of the not part.
so off i went down the hall, rolling on 10" rims, which i had to drop off at the door and then hobble my way to my car.. and jerk my way home.
so alas, i sit here on my couch... next to my tank with the dead fish and the kitchen with multiple broken appliances and faint light, with a discomfort in my healing bruised rib and a swollen foot.
i guess it could be much worse... it's just that kind of week.
Fallen Owlet Returned to Schenley Park
22 hours ago
ouch. there' no wrestling type pad below the climbing area. i guess you can do some winter indoor cycle training though you hate that kind of training. unless you're wearing a big boot. bad sprains do have a very long heal period too. maybe you can host some indoor training rides. hope for the best. you should at least get some tylenol III. g
yea thanks... :) i actually discovered the spinner at the Y the other day and totally loved it. i mean it's not as cool as outside but i got a great workout in so i'm thinking i'll just use that for the next few weeks or however long i need to :) or get my own trainer.
i think the bigger irony was how useless the doctor's office was! u know me - i just need to know what's wrong and then i'll take care of it accordingly and relax. i really don't think it's broken as it's not really all that bad. just hurts.
i have an extra fork stand for rollers if you want to borrow it. not sure if the krietlers have the same width as yours. lots of icing to reduce the swelling and allow the healing process. poor l.
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